Year of Public Hygiene

Singapore has come a long way in our public hygiene journey, and the collective efforts of the Government, our people, the industry and other stakeholders, have been pivotal in transforming Singapore into a city boasting high levels of public hygiene.
Sustaining high levels of public hygiene requires all of us to play a part. The Year of Public Hygiene goes beyond just stepping up on enforcement efforts. Businesses, the community as well as individuals, can also play an active part in upkeeping good public hygiene practices for our collective well-being.
In support of the Year of Public Hygiene, we will be focusing our efforts across the following areas to make Singapore truly clean and hygienic:

Tackling Cleanliness Hotspots
To maintain clean public spaces, the PHC will work closely with local stakeholders to enhance community involvement and strengthen community ownership for the cleanliness of common spaces.

Tackling Unhygienic Public Toilets
Cleanliness of public toilets remains challenging, and we can collectively do more to enhance levels of cleanliness and hygiene, to provide a safe and healthy environment for all.
The Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment will set up a Public Toilets Taskforce to review ways to improve cleanliness of poorer performing public toilets, in particular toilets at coffeeshops and hawker centres. It will also develop measures to improve hygiene standards for all public toilets, including infrastructure, cleaning and public education. The Taskforce will be co-chaired by Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and the Environment, Mr Baey Yam Keng, and Chairman of the PHC, Mr Andrew Khng.

Rallying the Community
We will continue to work with our partners to empower all Singaporeans to upkeep good hygiene practices for the betterment of our society.
The PHC will also launch the latest edition of the annual Keep Singapore Clean Campaign on 28 April this year to rally the community to collectively keep Singapore clean and green.
Keep a lookout for more exciting activities planned in this Year of Public Hygiene:
April: Launch of Keep Singapore Clean Campaign and SG Clean Day by the Public Hygiene Council
June to July: 2nd edition of Go Green SG to focus on rallying the community to collectively keep Singapore clean
November: Clean Public Toilets Campaign and Clean & Green Singapore Day
How you can play a part
Whether you are an individual looking to give back or an organisation seeking to make an impact, there's a place for you to contribute and be part of our Year of Public Hygiene! Here are some community activities and initiatives to get you started:
For individuals |
For organisations |