Public Hygiene Council

Keep Singapore Clean


Engagement with Sustainable Bright Spot Grassroots Partners

Jan 31, 2020

The Public Hygiene Council (PHC) recognised and appreciated the efforts of the pioneer Sustainable Bright Spot (SBS) grassroots partners at its inaugural Appreciation Dinner held on 21 January 2020.

The grassroots partners shared how they created awareness of the programme to the residents by organising different events such as National Day Observance Ceremony, block parties, clean-ups at neighbourhoods etc. They also shared the challenges to roll out the SBS programme and efforts made to encourage the residents to take strong ownership of the cleanliness of community spaces. Encouragingly, they felt that residents have been more mindful about ‘unlittering’ through the publicity materials that PHC provided and constant messaging at grassroots events.

PHC Chairman highlighted the importance for Singaporeans to cultivate the habit of cleaning up after themselves. He emphasised that our over-reliance on cleaners is not sustainable. Many of our local cleaners are over 60 years old and in time, they will become frail and would be unable to work. The next generation of seniors are more educated and financially sufficient and will unlikely take up this occupation. Foreign cleaners are mostly low-wage and unskilled workers. In addition, this pipeline would be reduced in the years to head. Therefore, in the future, we will need to rely much more on ourselves to keep Singapore clean.

Discussion also covered topics on undesirable behaviour that led to littering and suggestions on how to tackle littering in neighbourhoods. Grassroots partners also provided suggestions to improve and maximise recycling efforts in Singapore.

PHC Chairman
PHC Chairman, Mr Edward D’ Silva, giving an opening address

Group Photo
Group photo with our pioneer SBS grassroots partners