Public Hygiene Council

Keep Singapore Clean


Clean-up @ Tampines Green Forest

Nov 11, 2019

Residents and committee members of Tampines Grace RC and volunteers from Kindred Community did a clean-up together at Tampines Green Forest on 9 November 2019. Several parents brought their children along to pick up litter at their neighbourhood. The parents shared that they hope to inspire their children to be mindful of keeping the environment clean and promote change in behaviour by setting an example.

Tampines Grace Group Photo

Group photo with residents after the event

At the end of activity, the participants were surprised to find out the type and amount of litter found in their neighbourhood. Parents took the opportunity to share with their children on how to reuse and recycle items and how to dispose trash properly. The children also learnt the importance of binning trash properly and how good social habit can start from young.

Tampinese Grace Litter Picking   Keeping their neighbourhood clean
Residents of all ages doing their part for the neighbourhood